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3001: The Final Odyssey (in het Nederlands uitgegeven als 3001: De finale) is een sciencefictionroman van Arthur C. Clarke. Het is het vierde deel van de Space Odyssey-serie. Het boek werd voor het eerst uitgegeven in 1997. 2020/07/01 3001: The Final Odyssey is the last installment of the Space Odyssey book series. It centers around the revival of Frank Poole in the year 3001 and his attempts to save humanity from disaster and to readjust to his new futuristic lifestyle, considering the fact that man has made many technological advances. 3001 follows the adventures of Frank Poole, the astronaut killed by the HAL 9000 in 3001: The Final Odyssey (3001: A Odisséia Final, Brasil; 3001: Odisseia Final, em Portugal) é último dos quatro romances da série Odisseia no Espaço. There are no featured audience reviews yet. Click the link below to see what others say about 3001: The Final Odyssey: Season 1! See All Audience Reviews News & Features 150 Erotic Movies Coming Finde hier alle News zur Serie 3001: The Final Odyssey. Aktuelle Nachrichten: "3001: Die letzte Odyssee": Ridley Scott und Syfy adaptieren Arthur C. Clarkes Science-Fiction-Roman als Mini-Serie 3001: The Final Odyssey (2015 - ) 3001: The Final Odyssey Not enough ratings to calculate a score. Average Tomatometer Avg Tomatometer Coming Soon Release Date: 2015 Average Audience Score Avg

Amazon配送商品なら3001: The Final Odysseyが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Clarke, Arthur C.作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。

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3001 : the final odyssey Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine Books, 1997

3001: The Final Odyssey is a 1997 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. It is the fourth and final book in Clarke's Space Odyssey series. 3001: The Final Odyssey First edition Author Arthur C. Clarke Cover artist 2020/04/18 1997/08/28 2018/04/25 3001: Odissea finale Titolo originale 3001: The Final Odyssey Autore Arthur C. Clarke 1ª ed. originale 1997 1ª ed. italiana 1997 Genere romanzo Sottogenere 3001: Odissea finale (titolo originale 3001: The Final Odissey) è un romanzo di fantascienza del 1997 di Arthur C. Clarke, capitolo conclusivo della quadrilogia di Odissea nello spazio

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2014/11/04 "3001 is not just a page-turner, plugged in to the great icons of HAL and the monoliths, but a book of wisdom too, pithy and provocative." New Scientist The body of Frank Poole, lost for a thousand years since the computer HAL caused his death en route to Jupiter, is retrieved, revived--and enhanced. Preview of 3001: The Final Odyssey Summary: A basic premise of Clarke's science fiction is that the universe produces life. For better or for worse, life develops and evolves. Rudimentary life forms evolve into sentient beings. Sentient 3001 : the final odyssey Arthur C. Clarke Ballantine Books, 1997 Дорогие друзья по чтению. Книга "3001: The Final Odyssey" Clarke Arthur Charles (EN) произведет достойное впечатление на любителя данного жанра. Небезынтересно наблюдать как герои, обладающие не высокой моралью, пройдя через сложные

2012/07/15 2019/06/28 Amazon配送商品なら3001: The Final Odysseyが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Clarke, Arthur C.作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 オデッセイ(Odyssey [ˈɒdəsi] )は、ギリシアの叙事詩であるオデュッセイアの英語呼称。 工業製品 ホンダ・オデッセイ - 本田技研工業で生産されているミニバン型乗用車。日本で「オデッセイ」の名称で売られているもの→ホンダ・オデッセイの項目を参照。 2014/11/04


Finde hier alle News und Videos der Serie 3001: The Final Odyssey. Zusammenfassung: Der Astronaut Frank Poole gilt offiziell als tot. Auf der Reise zum Jupiter vor 1000 Jahren scheint er vom 3001: The Final Odyssey (in het Nederlands uitgegeven als 3001: De finale) is een sciencefictionroman van Arthur C. Clarke. Het is het vierde deel van de Space Odyssey-serie. Het boek werd voor het eerst uitgegeven in 1997. 2020/07/01 3001: The Final Odyssey is the last installment of the Space Odyssey book series. It centers around the revival of Frank Poole in the year 3001 and his attempts to save humanity from disaster and to readjust to his new futuristic lifestyle, considering the fact that man has made many technological advances. 3001 follows the adventures of Frank Poole, the astronaut killed by the HAL 9000 in 3001: The Final Odyssey (3001: A Odisséia Final, Brasil; 3001: Odisseia Final, em Portugal) é último dos quatro romances da série Odisseia no Espaço.