

Home - Holosync® Meditation Technology: Brain Wave Training for Relaxation, Prosperity, Love, Health & Success. Home - Holosync® Meditation Technology: Brain Wave. the amazing brain train download The Hole, 2018/06/14 2018/06/22 Home - Holosync® Meditation Technology: Brain Wave Training for Relaxation, Prosperity, Love, Health & Success Discover Holosync® and experience this free demo that gives you a clearer mind, better health, more happiness 2019/12/11 2018/06/15

The first Holosync track, The_Dive, lowers the frequency from the Alpha into the deep Delta state (2.5 Hz) using single carrier masked by the sound of rain and crystal bowls (which annoyed the hell out of me). The second track, Immersion, keeps the carrier in Delta, and the crystal bowls are now gone.

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